And my dreams last night in this morning, I was writing Bijou letter and it was learning print in pl blood. blood from my room. I was writing it in he's big, long letters. very exaggerated like long letters. and as I was writing it, and telling a story of like it was happening to my room. More blood started to come out. It was like actually coming from my body. And um it was like a lot and I felt like it was I was telling her that I had like to get polyps removed. And like pops me for my ovaries and cysts removed. that I had like, yeah, several things going on. And I remember, like, going into watching, I think, penalty I was actually in it. I was watching these people come into the sight. escalator to go on a trip somewhere. It was like to travel on a plane and as soon as they would like, come up, someone would be like capturing their video. They'd be like what's happening here. and um and then the person would explain to and there is someone there that was like getting a rental car from like a rental place called Madagas car. was in Africa. The feeling I had when I was writing from one them but that I was like I almost felt like it was up like a summer cute. I like a retrieved. And um you know, it felt like it. I think I was surprised how much blood was coming out. there were like other women there. and were telling stories with each other. almost like Jennifer Aniston, you remember like old pigdale.. You should like telling stories from my wom. It's like hm. That's why you need to be telling me stories from. H, connecting with my waters moving blood and stories from her. Maybe that'll help me if I've've been feeling blocked to really tap and connect with what I'm meant to say. let's give her some love. I've been neglecting her and give her some love. trying to remember Heather thanks for my dream use. remember Tyler going to borrow some medicine and going to look for it and it's like having medicine I think and like I was like all crushed up and like melted and white powder. just like everywhere. It was such a mess, even when me to scrape it up and he was talking so loud and about to wake up Willow. I was going downstairs, it was like in the house that I grew up in. even downstairs to get some space. You could kept following me, and I just wanted some space. I remember also watching these people high skating in the Katy Bryant. someone else in learn David while ice skating are doing such a great job. They're like really good. I remember the Mitchell was there and she was like in a T-shirt. We were like in school together. and she had a picture, but she was like in like a sliver cut shirt which she looked so good. I think it feel beautiful. she was.
Dreams can often reflect our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Based on the details you've provided, several themes and symbols seem to emerge, each potentially representing different aspects of your life or emotional state.
Writing and Storytelling: The act of writing a letter, particularly with exaggerated letters and blood, may suggest a desire to express something important in your life or to communicate feelings that feel intense or deeply personal. Blood could symbolize emotional pain, vitality, or a connection to your essence. The content of the letter may relate to things you need to address regarding your health or emotional well-being.
Health Concerns: Mentioning the removal of polyps and cysts speaks to a feeling of needing to confront or process health issues, perhaps physical or emotional ones. The blood symbolizes not just physical health, but possibly a release of pent-up emotions or issues you've been dealing with.
Community and Connection: The presence of other women sharing stories suggests a need for connection and support from others, especially regarding feminine experiences or health issues. This can indicate a desire to feel understood and heard, sharing vulnerability with those who can relate to your situation.
Travel and Escape: Watching others preparing to travel might reflect your own desires for change, adventure, or a break from your current routine. It might symbolize aspirations or life changes you're hoping to embark on, but perhaps feel uncertain or hindered in pursuing.
Childhood and Familiar Spaces: Returning to a childhood home can signify comfort, nostalgia, or unresolved issues from your past. It could indicate a need for reflection or healing regarding your upbringing or a desire to reconnect with your truest self.
Mess and Chaos: The imagery of crushed or spilled medicine can indicate feelings of being overwhelmed or disorganized in some aspect of your life. It could also symbolize a struggle with mental clarity or emotional stability, where you seek to find order amidst chaos.
Feeling Beautiful: The feelings of observing beauty or connection with someone from your past may signify yearning for self-acceptance or appreciation. It could suggest a desire to see your own worth and beauty, perhaps neglected amid the burdens referenced throughout the dream.
In summary, your dream appears to intertwine themes of vulnerability, health concerns, the desire for communication and connection with others, nostalgia, and a search for beauty and acceptance. Reflecting on these elements may provide insights into your current state, helping you address any underlying emotions or concerns that need attention.